Goal Review!

This week we filmed a spot for local news, talked with four new schools and met with a community group.  All positive, all moving forward.  Still not giving names, but there's interest and good feedback with almost everyone we talk to.  So we'll keep talking to more people.

On the content front, we're expecting the first draft of course materials for four of our classroom pilots, as well as our monstrous Grade Six Math program by the end of the week.  I am told that we are on track for this, and with our new office setup I'm excited to be able to throw stuff up on the big screen and review the material in one big group tomorrow.

Big screen, you say?  More on that tomorrow.



 This week there's a million tiny goals all adding up to one big goal: Visibility. 

This week we're presenting to two schools, introducing ourselves to three more, being filmed for TV and talking with members of the community about partnering for growth. Sound vague? Sure does! I won't give out details about folks that haven't agreed to do anything with us yet, but the overall picture is very positive. The word is getting out. We're having exciting conversations about helping the local community and schools nationwide. I get the feeling that Thumbprint's "toiling in obscurity" phase is coming to an end.

The secret to raising money

Apparently the secret to raising money is to drive your business into the ground. I was trying to do the other thing.        http://www.theverge.com/2013/11/4/5064278/blackberry-ceo-steps-down-as-company-secures-1-billion-funding-from

Once again, helium rules.                                                      http://gizmodo.com/western-digitals-new-hard-drives-are-filled-with-heliu-1457963235

30 years ago we dreamed about how wonderful it would be if these stars, of all the stars, had planets. Prayer answered.  http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2013/11/alpha-centauri-triple-star-system-does-it-harbor-the-closest-possible-habitable-planets-to-earth.html

Calling It

 It's been a very good week for us.  We've presented to five schools about what Thumbprint can do and proposed pilot programs so that the school can see for themselves.  All five have said yes.  That's pretty good, considering I expect to be shown the door 50-75% of the time.  I don't think our success is due to our being sales geniuses - we aren't.  Nor do I think it's because of our marketing, or our track record, or our user interface.  I think it's because of this:  We built something that teachers want.  When they see that, they want in.

We spent a very, very long time trying to understand what it is to be a teacher, and then to build technology that made that experience easier and more powerful.  We built something that we thought addressed those needs very well.  But until you start talking to real teachers, and lots of them, you're still guessing.  Did you get it right?  Who knows?

Now we are beginning to know.  It is very gratifying to talk about where you think teachers and technology are at, and to have the teachers agree with you.  It sounds easy, but it is incredibly rare to really lock in on what your customers need.  Apple does it like clockwork, but the rest of us struggle.  To have done this even once in my career is something I'm very proud of, although the lion's share of the credit goes to the Development team, who relentlessly hammered both me and each other to make it better, simpler, more powerful.  And thanks to those teachers who have agreed to take the next step with us.  We think it's going to be great.