
October 15th Goals

This week (like every week lately) has been super busy!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and to our American friends - you'll get yours soon.
We're setting an ongoing goal this week and you can help!
1. Get the word out - talk to your teachers, principals, friends, family, children, dogs, cats and even livestock!
Education is an ongoing investment in our future and everyone has a right to be apart of it.

2. We've been doing some high-profile meetings and fingers crossed the feedback is positive.

Have a great week and let's keep this pace up!

October 10th, Review

It's Thursday.  Time to look at how we've done so far.

1. Development on both the Web version of Thumbprint and the Reporting suite are proceeding very well.  Still a ways to go, but it's nice to see progress.  The iPad app took months before we had anything concrete to play with, so even being able to log in via a browser or see raw reporting data after just a few weeks makes me feel good.

2. Change up on our weekly publishing schedule.  For various reasons I've decided to move the link dump from Friday to Monday, and the editorial from Monday to Friday.  That means the editorial I didn't provide at the beginning of this week will happen tomorrow instead.  I hope this schedule will be better for you.  It will certainly be easier for me.

3. 500 likes. You made it.  I owe you one thank-you song. I have not forgotten. Watch this space.


Volunteers.  We need 'em.  Are you one of 'em?
We're busy putting together Thumbprint course materials covering Math, English, History - you name it.  But we're barely scratching the surface.  There's so much out there, so many great ways to learn important things.  If you've got a course, a lesson or a tidbit you'd like to share with the world (or you know a teacher who does) we'd love to hear from you.  We're working hard to build a big, fun, flexible library of content, and working harder to keep it free.  We need your help.

If you're interested, drop us a line at info@thumbprinteducation.org

September 30th, Goals

This week we're going to shake our goals up a bit.  This goal is YOUR goal. I'm giving this to the wonderful community of Facebookers who are already following us:

500 Likes by the end of the week.

As I write this, we're at 351.  If everyone reading this can get one of their friends to like us, we'll reach the goal easily.

For incentive, if we can reach the goal this week, I'll record a short YouTube thank you song for everyone to enjoy. Gauntlet thrown down. Good luck.